Today , Drip irrigation is the need of the hour because of the fact that “Water “, the nature’s gift to mankind is not unlimited and free forever. The water resources of the world are fast diminishing and the one and only answer to this problem is Drip Irrigation Systems. “RUNGTA” is the name which is trust by one and all in the country.
RUNGTA has developed the design of this product after detailed study of a number of factor inter-alia including Soil, quality of water, crop pattern, land terrain and related agro-climatic conditions in various parts of the country.
RUNGTA design is a suitable and economically viable system fit to deliver a measured quantity of water at the root zone of each plant at regular intervals. This system ensures that the plants do not suffer from stress or strain of less and over watering.
Our technical team not only install the system but also impart required training to the farmers to take full use of the system. Installation is thereafter supported by perfect after sales service.
The result – A totally customized, efficient and long-life system which ensures not only huge saving in water but also ensures early maturity and a bountiful harvest, season after season, year after year. Apart from all this, savings in labour and fertilizer costs are also the added advantage.
Why RUNGTA Drip Irrigation only?
Based on a careful study of all the relevant factors like land topography, soil, water, crop and agro-climatic conditions, we select the most suitable and scientific micro irrigation system. RUNGTAs offer you a complete system for your crop so that you reap all the benefits.
We at RUNGTA Irrigation do not merely sell the micro irrigation system, we alos provide Agronomic and Extension support, after sales services and all technical supports for getting better crop returns. RUNGTAs are a one stop shop for total Agricultural input needs.
RUNGTA Micro Irrigation System is made from high quality virgin raw materials, using advanced machinery. It is durable, reliable and meets International quality standards.
Apple, grapes, banana, sugarcane, tea, coffee, cotton, mango, teak-wood, vegetables, flowers… whatever may be your crop, we have a suitable micro irrigation system for each of them. All the system components are manufactured by us in our plant at Jaipur, under strict quality control norms at every stage of production.
RUNGTA Micro Irrigation System means a technology developed for farmers by a company who knows and understands the farmer and his needs for four decades.
Benefits of RUNGTA Drip Irrigation Systems
- Has recorded increase in yield up to 230%.
- Saves water up to 70% compare to flood irrigation. More land can be irrigated with the water thus saved.
- Crop grows consistently, healthier and matures fast.
- Early maturity results in higher and faster returns on investment.
- Fertilizer use efficiency increases by 30%.
- Cost of fertilizers, inter-culturing and labour use gets reduced.
- Fertilizer and Chemical Treatment can be given through Micro Irrigation System itself.
- Undulating terrains, Saline, Water logged, Sandy & Hilly lands can also be brought under productive cultivation.
Model Design
Drip Irrigation System
Drip irrigation system delivers water to the crop using a network of mainlines, sub-mains and lateral lines with emission points spaced along their lengths. Each dripper/emitter, orifice supplies a measured, precisely controlled uniform application of water, nutrients, and other required growth substances directly into the root zone of the plant.
Water and nutrients enter the soil from the emitters, moving into the root zone of the plants through the combined forces of gravity and capillary. In this way, the plant’s withdrawal of moisture and nutrients are replenished almost immediately, ensuring that the plant never suffers from water stress, thus enhancing quality, its ability to achieve optimum growth and high yield.